Thursday, July 29, 2010

~ Darien News ~

~ Darien Moves into the late summer/fall season

~ What are the key issues facing the the town's taxpayers?

~ How should elected officials resond to those issues?

Please note: A cautionary note to all posters: We will not hesitate to edit, delete or modify any post considered off color or without redeeming value. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. This blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note:

From: Moderators

A cautionary note to all posters:

We will not hesitate to edit, delete or modify any post considered off color or without redeeming value. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.

This blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.

All information is provided on an as-is basis.

July 29, 2010 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We will not hesitate to edit, delete or modify any post considered off color or without redeeming value"

All I can say to this is BALONEY!

After not having read the blog since early spring, I recently began checking it again and was astounded to see comments naming people as alcoholics, references to peoples' "fat a*ses", other name-calling, etc. WHAT redeeming value do these comments have? What editing or modifying could possibly have been done on such base comments??

My other pet peeve is the frequent habit of some bloggers to address individuals by name, as if they could know said individual wrote a specific post. How juvenile! Certainly this habit is not new, but if the moderators could kindly ask posters not to do this and instead stick to issues, the level of this blog would be raised immeasurably.

July 29, 2010 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:16pm You are correct that the last BOS was asked for a best use study. Why are you not asking this BOS for a best use study?

July 29, 2010 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at a meeting of the RTC about 8 months ago.

Someone disagreed with Harry. He rolled his eyes, slowed down his speech, as if to say, I am being patient with you, then summarily dismissed the person who asked the question.

I remember saying to the person seated next to me, "wasnt that Harry's complaint about Evonne? That she listened to no one?"

We were in shock. And more so, why would these people on the RTC accept such treatment?

I know this will be dismissed as the blog of a Darien Firster, but wait just a minute before dismissing.

Which part of my blog is wrong? That Harry doesnt role his eyes? That these other committee members should not accept his treatment? That harry didnt like Evonne's 'my way or the highway approach?

Take this seriously.

Its not about 'attacking" the RTC. Its' about correcting what is wrong , at the moment, with the RTC.

John Ryan's wife is a part of it, so he may or may not buy into their 'power' but the realty is, there are many people who want to strongly send a message that Harry , Joi and Co. need to respect other committee members, and for that matter other Republicans in town.

I thought John Bolton would have the strength to stand up to them. Maybe he has? I haven't seen a meeting in a while.

Anyone want to tell me if Bolton or anyone else, on occasion doesnt just let Artinian run the whole show?

July 29, 2010 6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:10 PM, You know darn well it's stupid to ask for a best use study b/c there's no such thing as best use study. Any study is subjective. Everyone knew that except for the sheep on the RTC and hard core RTMers. (Come to think of it, they actually remind me more of the gulls on Finding Nemo, come to think of it chirping "mine!".)

This BOS has a well thought out plan that is gaining momentum. Just watch the last BOS meeting and you'll see that people see that it really makes sense.

Sure, there are still some questions to iron out, but things are moving in the right direction and that's great to see.

July 30, 2010 11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday's newspaper answered the question surrounding the experience of the 3 candidates running for Probate Judge. Clearly, Osterndorfs experince in probate far outweighs Murrays or Ryans. On August 10th we will see if experience really matters to voters, or this is just about the RTC and Marks vs. Artinian.

July 30, 2010 11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why didnt you ask for one of the last BOS? And now suddenly want it?

Its probably the same answer.

Because either you did or didnt approve of what the prior BOS suggested and same with this bOs.

You dont get that?

If you are implying that this person is a hypocrite--then youd be hard pressed to explain how you are not.

July 30, 2010 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care so much about a best use study. We should sell 35 Leroy and leave BOE and Sr. Center where they are. Move seniors someplace temporarily while building is demolished and rebuilt. Best solution. Why incur $2million cost to move BOE to 35 Leroy when it's not necessary?

July 30, 2010 6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is like a soap opera - you stay away for a year and it's like you never stopped reading. I have 1 question - is Klein still the FS or is the girl crusher still crushing?

July 30, 2010 7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't read the blog in a while, so no chance to comment.

But, as I peruse the last few weeks, the RTC has absoultely tarnished it's reputation.

The initial blogger requests an explanation of how 21 people can vote all the same way, when the resumes of the 2 gentlemen running , do not appear to be overwhelmingly in Mr. Ryan's favor.

Is there something that the blog should know? Is the RTC in possession of facts, that other people are not?

The response is peculiar to say the least. We are not offered any information, that allows us to be more educated on the probate court candidates. Instead, the RTC person chooses to visciously attack the questioner.

In a series of accusations and personal insults, the RTC person reveals what many of us know. Their determinations of who is best for Darien, is a result of how many Republican cocktail parties you have attended.

There is no evidence to my knowledge, that serving as a low level politician, better qualifies you for a job on the bench.

Mr. Ryan needs to do more than simply state that he was re-elected many times while running unopposed. He needs to convince the electorate that his character and judgement is superior to his opponent.

By my view, his decision to drive drunk at excessive speeds is one mark against him. The fact that he allowed Mrs. Marks, or whoever, to be skewered, rather than distinguish his record, is another mark against the man. If I were running for judge, I certainly would not want my supporters to act so disgustingly. He fails again. As does the RTC.

July 30, 2010 9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it a little ironic that Ryan suporters are throwing him a cocktail party as a fundraiser?

July 31, 2010 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:21, because that $2m is being offset by the fact that you don't have to build a building from the ground up. Demolition will occur at the sr center site and then that the property could be used for a more suitable purpose, like senior and/or affordable housing.

It's also interesting to point out when the 35 Leroy purchase was being pitched it was all about the town securing a valuable open facility, which there are so few left in town. Now, the previous BOS sheep (they are just as bad as the RTC gulls), want to sell it simply because they didn't get their way.

If this plan goes through, the Town Hall now becomes more of a community center and there's even a decent chance that facility could be enhanced by the addition of a privately funded town pool so desparately needed.

This master plan is about fixing several of the original mistakes made by multiple town leaders over several decades at multiple sites.

I call this a master "klean-up!"

July 31, 2010 11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious from all the blogs on here that John Ryan must be ahead because people are attacking him so much. People have looked at the candidates and Murray and the guy in New Canaan are very weak.

My vote and most people I talk to will be for Ryan.

July 31, 2010 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - It really is kind of sad, but Marks and her campaign for an unqualified candidate are getting desperate. The momentum is building for Ryan as more and more people ask what has Murray done? Who is Murray - besides just being a friend of Nielson? His brief speeches to introduce himself have sure not impressed anybody - someone said he sounded like he was running for high school president.

How come hardly anybody has ever even seen Murray in a probate court? Bill Osterndorf ran before and came in third in New Canaan. Hardly anybody knows who he is, either. From what I heard, half the people that voted him in as a candidate were related to him.

This is looking more and more like some kind of vendetta by Campbell, Marks and Nielson to get their chum a steady paycheck (law firms are tough these days) and it has sucked these people in. Why else would the supposed "non-political" Campbell be pushing an unqualified candidate?

John Ryan is the candidate with the best background. He knows his stuff and has a long record of service to the town.

Do these other people even know what the job is?

July 31, 2010 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't be serious! Did any of you Ryan and Murray supporters read this week's paper listing the number of probate cases these three candidates have handled? If not, read it and educate yourselves as to the facts. Osterndorf clearly has the experience and talk to anyone who has dealt with him and they will tell you he has the temperament as well.

July 31, 2010 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1241 (most likely also 417)
Did you read 417pm?

If your logic is correct, then Murray must have taken the lead in the last 4 hours. Right?

The 417 pm is nothing but an attack piece on Murray. Equals, he is ahead.

Thanks for that piece of sound logic.

To 417pm what exactly has Ryan done in his years of service. This is not an attack. This is a question. I know he ran unopposed for each and every year in office. So, he needs to prove to me that he actually did something more than accept a paycheck. This was your observation about Murray. Trying to get a paycheck.
I guess his wife wants the same paycheck --but doesnt want him driving (understandble-LOL) to get the check.

But--if he is qualified --just tell me 4 major things the guy did for Darien in his many years in Hartford.

Thanks. I want to vote for Ryan. Just someone needs to explain what he did. Getting elected when you run unopposed is hardly an accomplishment.

Now hop to it--do some splainin'

July 31, 2010 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:17, if you want to talk about desperate, why don't you just check the blogs a few days ago, when Ryan supporters attacked a woman for simply supporting another candidate and then got caught with their pants down when it was recalled that John Ryan actually was tied to an alcohol related incident, exhibiting extremely bad judgement on his part.

Now that's really soemthing to lol.

August 01, 2010 3:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I’d like to see a town pool built too. But let’s be clear; Campbell is NOT proposing a real community pool like the beautiful facility in New Canaan’s Waveny Park. He’s proposing a lap pool in the town hall basement. How many lanes will it have? How many swimmers will it accommodate at once? Five, ten? If built, the pool would be available to seniors during the day, assuming the senior center is moved to town hall, and the DHS swim teams. Not much bang for the rest of us. I suppose that’s why Mr. Campbell insists that building it be privately funded. Will there be a private endowment for maintenance too?

August 01, 2010 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the contrary. This is not a clean-up; it only further muddies the waters.

First, the idea of a pool was introduced to gain public support for the entire project. I, too, would like a pool, but is this the best place for it? Who will have access to it? Is there sufficient parking? Let's not put the cart before the horse and assume that the pool is everything we want it to be. It may only serve seniors and the swim team. That's okay, but let's make the decision knowing that up front.

Second, I maintain 35 Leroy should be sold. I was on the RTM when that property was purchased and it was the firm opinion of the BOF that it should be used only for AH. Very childish of you to state that anyone advocating its sale is due to "not getting their way;" it's an economic decision.

Third - build AH or Sr AH at Edgerton? Are you NUTS??????? If you thnk the Old Stone folks were up in arms, wait until you see the reaction of Edgerton neighbors! AON is expanding, Tom Golden's Noroton Heights plan calls for sufficient number of housing - add more housing at Edgerton? Think about how that over-intensifies the area.

I'm not saying Cambell's plan is without merit, but long-term it's not in Darien's best interest. Before any facilities swapping occurs, there needs to be a full-blown, community-wide discussion of all the pro's and con's. Lots of people are away now, but once they're focused on this, there will be questions, believe me.

August 01, 2010 12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know John Ryan. In the past, when he has called me to ask for my support, I offered it to him. But, to the person who is asking what he did in Hartford: the answer is nothing.
He is a nice man. I like him. But his record of no accomplishment is glaring.
If he wants to run on his record of probate knowledge, I might listen.
If he is running on his record of 'serving Darien,' then I'm sorry to say, he has done nothing.
The RTC is backing a weak candidate. And they are backing him, for the same reason I have done so in the past. He calls you on the phone. Is very direct about asking for your support-and puts you in an awkward position. I have very litte doubt, that he has done this most members of the RTC. And then of course, you have his wife there, which only adds to the awkward pressure.

Do yourselves a favor. Examine his record of accomplishment in darien/hartford. You will be woefully unimpressed.

August 01, 2010 12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the probate candidates are qualified. I'm looking for probate experience and from what I have read Bill Osterndorf is the candidate with the most experience. Looking at what has happened in Washington I would hope we learned our lesson.

August 01, 2010 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know exactly where the potential pool at town hall would go if it got funded and all that? I can't easily see where the space to put it exists, although I'm sure the powers-to-be have looked at it closely so it must be there.

August 01, 2010 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the Darien Times essentially outted Harry Artinian and his bullshit.

The total probate cases by Ryan is 23. For Murray 26. Neither are impressive. Yet, how the hell can any of you say that Ryan is the most qualified???

Ive asked 40 times. And instead of getting answers, received a myriad of attacks.
No wonder!!
Ryan is the LEAST qualified. The LEAST experienced. Not the most. The LEAST.

I am so tired of jerks trying to fight off valid questions, by attacking the messenger. And here we now know the answer. The RTC, who claimed to incorporate a methodology that included consulting legal experts, reviewing documents is seen to be backing the guy with a very little experience (23 cases???? ) and one whose judgement is clearly questionable after we learn about drunk driving-at 100!!!! Mph.

So, are you saying that being elected to office and as one blogger recounted -getting zero done, being a menace on the road, and having the smallest probate caseload--means he gets the nod??

You have to be kidding.

This guy does not deserve anyones vote.

August 01, 2010 11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer your question honestly, from 1994 to 2008 John Ryan did one thing. And it wasnt his idea.

He got through the Post 53 legislation that allows kids on Post 53 to repond to the ambulance depot, at hours when they would otherwise be restricted.

In other words, when kids are on "54" and can drive--they are allowed to drive after midnight when there is a call.

The most significant thing to know about this, is that this is not Ryan's idea, obviously. He doesnt know the first thing about Post 53. The adult Post members pushed Hartford to amend the restrctions, and Ryan carried the ball.

The guy is a zero. There are so many things that are needed to be done for Darien in Hartford, and he got nothing done.

August 01, 2010 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Old Guard" supports Ryan. Van der Kieft, Conologue, Carey all sport Ryan signs. Carey votes in Florida not Darien. If she feels so stongly about supporting local candidates why did she change her residency to Florida? I wonder if she displays policial signs at her home in Florida? Murray's a great guy, but having Susan Marks run his campaign shows poor taste.

August 01, 2010 11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I question whether the job of probate judge will become full time due to the merging of the two towns. Has this question been asked, and if so which candidate (s) will give up their current practice to serve as a full-time probate judge? Maybe this is a question for the two sitting probate judges. Will it be possible to carry out the duties of probate judge for the combined towns and still maintain a private practice?

August 02, 2010 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point!
Does anyone know how expensive it is to maintain a large pool? I don't, but I am flabbergasted at how glibly some people will accept the "private funding" argument for building it.

Let's not forget our town's library! The Friends of the Library funded its construction, but the town must pay its operating costs, to the tune of millions annually. That's significantly more than the old library. And from the moaning I hear, they're not even getting everything they want from the town in terms of staff, program support, etc.

Let's not have the wool pulled over our eyes a second time! I don't have a problem with construction of a pool if it fits the space, parking, neighborhood, etc. But let's not kid ourselves that it is FREE. No mistake - the operating costs of such a pool will be high and taxpayers need to know what they are before it's approved by the BOS. Instead of pushing this thing along, the BOS needs to have a thorough and candid discussion of all associated costs, as well as who will be able to use the pool and when.

August 02, 2010 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:53 July 31
I don't buy it. Just because you don't have to build a building does not mean it's cheaper. We're talking about moving a whole entity (ie the BOE) that does not need to be moved, incurring some few million $ in the process. Then the BOE space has to be renovated for the seniors, and so on. Plus you have to consider the $4m paid for the 35 Leroy property.

In the end, this may be the way to do it, but I'm not convinced. How much would it cost to demolish the sr. center and rebuild there? How much would it cost to rent space for the seniors someplace else, or merge with another entity, like DCA?

Your argument that this configuration saves money because it eliminates new construction is not sound. Rethink it, please.

August 02, 2010 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not nuts. Garden Homes is being built with significant push back form its neighbors. The Y's neighbors have pushed back hard, and it looks like its expansion is going to be ok'd. Neighbors pushed back on Whole Foods, and that that got built. DHS neighbors protested lights, and they are being used. 333 West Aveneue neighbors pushed back on that development, and it got passed. AON also got passed with the threats of lawsuits. DHS got built despite much neighbor protest (granted without a pool). Shall I go on?

The problem is the former BOS never tested P&Z for 35 Leroy and bent over backwards for the Old Stone neighbors, without even putting forth a formal proposal to P&Z. I have no idea if P&Z would ok housing at Edgarton, but I am confident this BOS has the fortitute to pursue it if they want it.

Second, call Campbell's office for the site plan with the pool. That will answer your questions. The pool will not be a social pool, but will be used beyond the team and seniors. Because the wrong decision was made at DHS in prior years, this town is forced to build one now. I"m confident they will find a way to raise the capital and generate revenue for fees for operating costs.

Also, what plan of Golden's. There is no plan. If there's no plan, how do you know how many units???

Finally are just as many people on the RTM that didn't vote to buy 35 Leroy for affordable housing. I'm prety confident that all your questions will be answered in the coming months.

August 02, 2010 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can you copy and paste an article or the minutes of the BOF where they say 35 leroy should only be used for AH.

We have gone over this time and time again, and either you are an incompetent former member of the RTM, or a liar.
Take your pick.

The BOF said that the price of the 35 leroy was too high, and that the only justification for buying the property was to build affordable housing. They did not say that it should only be used for AH. They were commenting on the price level. After it was bought, it's ours. And we can do whatever we want with it. In the BOF's opinion, it was too high a price to be paid. But, hey, its not the first thing government has paid too much for.

As far as the pool--I am neither in high school, or a senior citizen. But- the pool does not have to be the be -all end all. It will solve a couple of problems --not all. But, Id rather have a little progress than none at all.

If you can tell me why we need it to be utopian, or nothing else, then Id love to hear your logic. But, to me, you are looking to find fault. And, rest assured every plan has faults. Im fine with this. Even though it doesnt benefit me at all.

August 02, 2010 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I assume the florida issue is for tax purposes.

The fact that she is a legal resident there, does not mean she doesnt pay property taxes here, and can have an opinion.

I have an opinion of Charles Rangel, and I dont live in Ny.

Are you saying that 1)-you cant figure out why they moved there? (see our hartford geniuses and guys like John Ryan who force moving tax states) and 2) are you honestly saying that no one can support people unless they are domiciled here?

Im not a Ryan fan--but the basis for your dismissing these people is ignorant.

August 02, 2010 12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh--great question.
Another idiot-who knows the answer--and is trying to play dumb.

How about elevating this blog debate to honest discussions.

People move for tax reasons
The job may or may not be full time required.

The fact that Ryan can give up his practice is telling. There aint much to give up.
he says a significant and growing element of his practice is devoted to probate.
Presently he has one open case in darien===where he practices. and 6 open in new canaan. Not much of a practice

August 02, 2010 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes Mike Murray so qualified to be a probate judge?

From what I can see, he has done nothing to distinguish himself for the job. I'm waiting for someone to tell me his sterling qualifications beyond just that he is a nice guy. So far, nobody has been able to say what they are. All his supporters basically just say the same thing. He is a nice guy.

The Murray camp just personally attacks Ryan and that is troublesome.

I'll ask again: what has Mike Murray done that makes him qualified to be a probate judge?

August 02, 2010 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/1 When is a Community Pool not a Community Pool ? When it doesn't serve the entire community. Agree with 8/1. This pool is for the High School swim and diving team.It is half the size of the pool at Waveny.

August 02, 2010 12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Republicans decide to become the party of juvenile vandals? Driving around town, I see that many of our STOP signs have been tagged with an Obama sticker.

Real mature.

August 02, 2010 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The BOF added the proviso that 35 Leroy be used for AH when it initially approved the purchase. The RTM removed the BOF's proviso when it approved the purchase.

Back then (2007), there was a lot of bad feeling about the BOF dictating terms to the RTM. People were still pissed that the BOF had completely cut the RTM out of considering whether the town should buy the Procaccini property.

Other RTM members, most notably Sam Schoonmaker, thought there should be more debate about how to use 35 Leroy, but recognized that the Friends of the Library needed to sell in order to move forward with its new building. Rather than risk having the property end up in a private developer's hands, the RTM voted to buy it.

Three years later, we're still debating how to use the property. Klein should have ordered a study. She didn't. While campaigning, Campbell said he'd order a study. He didn't. Jayme Stevenson's white-wash job (Task Force report) is not a study of the Library property. It's convenient cover for Campbell's re-shuffle plan.

I agree that we must do something about the Senior Center. I don't think we should be moving the BOE into the old Library to find space for the seniors in Town Hall. The BOE doesn't need all the space available at 35 Leroy, and they are too much of an independent fiefdom now. Imagine what will happen if they're completely on their own.

The pool at Town Hall is a distraction. It won't be a true town resource. It would be better if the private donors said "Use our money to build a pool at DHS." That would at least be honest.

August 02, 2010 5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:18 Your second to last paragraph is an example of why Darien is always playing catch up. We are famous for letting things go, passing up opportunities and when we do commit we accept an inferior product as a stop gap. If we build a pool let's do it right and not half-a---- as we are known for doing. Don't let history repeat itself.

August 02, 2010 8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still asking:
What makes Mike Murray so qualified to be a probate judge?

From what I can see, he has done nothing to distinguish himself for the job. I'm waiting for someone to tell me his sterling qualifications beyond just that he is a nice guy. So far, nobody has been able to say what they are. All his supporters basically just say the same thing. He is a nice guy.

The Murray camp just personally attacks Ryan and that is troublesome.

I'll ask again: what has Mike Murray done that makes him qualified to be a probate judge?

August 02, 2010 9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sniff, sniff, How touching.

Yeah, whatever dude.

It's like listening to dopey Callie Sullivan --and you evidently decided not to question that load of bullshit.

Like the argument that building affordable housing at 35 leroy would not cost taxpayers any more money.

I guess you fake idiot, forgot that kids would need to be schooled (at 12,000 per student on average -if they are not special needs).

So, now you very honest and forthright people are coming to the very inciteful conclusion: a pool will have operating expenses. Oh wow!!! As though 21 units of affordable housing will have no variable costs to the town.

If you were honest, you would have mentioned this 'realization' when the push was for affordable housing. did you suddenly become smart? or are you just a jerk, who can only mention things when they work into your argument??

Listen -you missed your chance for incite and fair analysis.

Save it. You are an imposter.

August 02, 2010 10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


where to build a community wide pool that is your idea of a panacea.

Just let me know where, how much and what we need to give up to get it.

I consider your attitude the actual problem.

Unless we solve the situation for everyone, we should not do anything.

If Ox ridge has a parent that wants to donate a high speed printer, he cant. Because then it makes Ox ridge more advantaged than Holmes. You think this is great? I dont. Im happy to accept incremental steps higher, than waiting for forever (never) for someone to find the money, and place for a town pool.

But like I say, tell me you solution, before telling me that we are missing an opportunity because we are doing a senior/high school pool.

August 02, 2010 10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Im the person who asks the same about Ryan.

I dont see where there are attacks. I see them as raising legitimate issues.

If Murray drove drunk at 100 miles per hour, or something similar, i want to know. i dont thint that is an attack.

As far as what has murray more qualified than ryan--I have no idea. But - I also think ryan is not more qualified than murray.

That begs the question as to why 21 people --on the RTC voted for Ryan.
Its a fair question. As is yours.

my conclusion is that neither candidate would be great or bad. neither candidate is head and shoulders above the other.

I would say that if one guy did 23 cases and the other 22 and one of them was endangering people on the road, as he drove drunk at 100 mph, I would tend to vote for the other guy. But this is not set in stone. If i learned why either man had reasons to vote for them, I would listen. At this point, I can only see reason why not to vote for one of them-- and ryan's drunk driving/recklessness would be my reason.

All I need is a reason not to vote for murray or a reason to vote for ryan -and i will listen.

But to date--ryan is a zero in public service and a guy who has little regard for other people on the road. Not my type of guy.

August 02, 2010 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

514 please copy and paste what the bof said about ah at 35 leroy.

I know.
Do you?

They simply said its too costly.

Given stefanoni's of the world--they saw some justification of buying the land if it was used for some immeasurable value such as ah.

they did not say they ah was the only option.

if you disagree--please copy and paste

if you need me to copy and paste , i will. but im getting tired of liars and bullshit artists like you on the blog who say crap--and then refuse to back up their asseritons with fact.

go for it. just once prove you point.

August 02, 2010 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair enough. Push=back from neighbors may not be enough to stop this BOS from building affordable housing at Edgerton, but that does not mean that it should be built there.

100+ units have already been approved at AON. You are correct that Golden does not currently have a plan before P&Z, but either he previously submitted one and withdrew it or he submitted renderings of his vision there. I saw them in the newspaper. There was lots and lots of housing there. I'm not saying it shouldn't be built there, because of all places, that makes sense from a planning point of view. But for P&Z to approve yet another intense use of land in the same area would be a mistake. Plus, the BOS has said that because these units would be privately funded they could be restricted to Darien seniors only. That violates Fair Housing laws.

With regard to the pool, I do not share your confidence that operating costs will be funded in perpetuity. How? By whom? It's one thing to ask people to contribute a few hundred (or thousands) dollars to build a pool; it's quite another to set up a trust that will adequately fund its operating costs. As I said, I support construction of a pool as long as people understand that it's not a "town" pool and town residents are not paying for it.

August 02, 2010 11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am neither an incompetent former RTM member nor a liar. I am, however, too busy and disinterested to find and cut/paste documentation for you. Do your own research.

Bottom line: the BOF supported the purchase of 35 Leroy ONLY if used for AH. That was based on their analysis of the property's highest aand best use. This is no secret; go back to spring 2007 RTM minutes and you will find it all.

One could argue that the highest and best use of the property need not be employed, but this is far too expensive a piece of property to use for BoE offices and the DHA.

It's not the job of the BoF to make policy, but to say whether or not the town can afford to do something. This is why the RTM ultimately removed the BoF's contingency on the sale. However, if this $4m space will merely be used for administrative offices, I would rather sell it and replenish the town's coffers.

August 03, 2010 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9.38: I will give you two.

Murray has more probate experience as evidenced by the times article and hasn't been arrested for driving drunk at 100 mph, so has better sense of judgment than John Ryan.

Now your turn. Why is Ryan better?

August 03, 2010 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The principal reason Many Darien R’s oppose Ryan is quite simple. He opposed any and all attempts to revitalize the Darien Republican party and was content to support candidates who were certain to lose to Klein and who were sent to pasture long before that. Many moved to Florida…permanently!

Ryan also did his best to be nothing more than a carnival barker for widely discredited candidates.

You can count on one hand the number of people he helped as a state legislator. Those he ignored in town are legion.
John Ryan simply doesn’t listen!!! He pontificates! He lectures. He tries to be funny. He’s insulting. Just ask yourself: has he ever, EVER said to you: “can I help you…is there anything I can do for you.?”

One thing John always knew how to do was ask for campaign dollars, reelection money. He then quickly forgot where it came from! Never did he say thank you!

Ryan was largely unreachable. He was not good about returning calls or requests for assistance.

He was a constant critic of other legislators but never rose above that to meet the needs of many Darien constituents.

He was a cipher in the legislature…even among Republicans! He was labeled The Darien Cowboy…"the smart-ass" Darien cowboy! If there had been more Republican in the state house he would have been dispatched to the back bench!

He just never came off as a people person, a nice guy. He was often seen as a wise-cracking jerk from a safe Darien R seat! Now a couple of his cronies think he should be rewarded for that!

Just imagine your wife, your relative – a friend coming before him as Judge of probate! Probate judges need to be sensitive and caring. In fact, a Judge of probate need NOT be a member of the Bar - nor a lawyer! What they MUST be is a good listener, a compassionate handler of people in times of grief and crisis. That’s not in Ryan’s DNA! And remember this: You can’t turn a smart ass partisan into a fair-minded judge! And you can’t change the spots on a leopard!

August 03, 2010 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with all of you? You debate the qualifications, experience, character of Ryan and Murray and ignore the fact we have a third candidate to choose from who has more experience than Ryan and Murray combined. Is it so important the new probate judge be from Darien rather than New Canaan, that you will vote for an inferior candidate? Or is it to see who comes out on top - the RTC or Campbell and Company - Artinian vs. Marks? What you're all doing is jeopardizing the position of probate judge for political purposes.

August 03, 2010 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

August 3 8;27am

Geez! we go again. Your post is awash with misinformation and inaccuracies. First of all, the old library is already ours - we paid for it. The question is, how do we use it?

Klein outright lied to the RTM - she said we could buy it and then figure out the best use, when her intention all along was to use it for one purpose only: affordable housing. She lied - plain and simple.

Here we are three years later and we are finally coming to the end of figuring out what we want to do with it. The sooner we get this building used for BOE offices, the better.

We'll utilize the space well and move past the disastrous Klein era.

August 03, 2010 1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old guard put a fence around Darien Brannigan was shocked to find out out of towners attend the Darien Senior Center. She wanted to know if the new senior center accepted people from out of town. I bet she has a Ryan sign on her lawn.

August 03, 2010 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Emperor has spoken. Don't disagree with the mighty one for fear of losing your right to free speech. Oh that's right Campbell doesn't legislate our right to free speech. That's in our Bill of Rights. Don't know what im talking about ? Please watch a rerun of last nights BOS meeting and see The Emperor at his most boorish behavior. Watch how he refuses to let Baine speak just because he has a different point of view. Gee aren't we permitted to disagree in Darien ? Apparently not with the Emperor. Its bad enough we have to watch this guy frequently pick his nose on tv at a board meeting. Its bad enough we have to listen to this person, supposedly educated,supposedly learned in the art of social graces curse and interupt people as if he were in a frat house ? Have you no respect for the office Mr. Campbell ? Have you no respect for your fellow board members ? Mandel,Sammis,Harrel,Klein never acted this way. You owe us all an apology. Spare us the effort as it obviously means nothing. You have diminished the office of First Selectmen.

August 03, 2010 4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aug 3 11:41AM

WOW!!! You are ANGRY. LOL

Get a grip, now.

John Ryan has done a lot more for this town than any of the other candidates running - including Murray.

He has helped a lot of people including Post 53 when they needed it. It's too bad you are so mean-spirited. It's OK, though.

You are going to lose another one on Thursday because everyone knows how good John Ryan is and a lot of people are still asking "Who's this guy Murray?"

August 03, 2010 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading a number of these posts and have to say that whoever is attacking John Ryan is way, way off base. John is a good lawyer and was a terrific State Rep. He will make a wonderful probate judge and I am definitely voting for him.
That doesn't make the other candidates bad or disgusting or unqualified or anything else. Whoever is insulting these people should be very ashamed of themselves. There is no need to disparage these candidates this way. It's too bad this blog is such a sewer of negativity.

Vote for John Ryan. He is the most highly qualified candidate and will make a wonderful probate judge.

August 03, 2010 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I checked the minutes of the BOF.

And, my conclusion is now that you are simply a LIAR.

You are too 'busy' to check facts--but are not too busy to write falsities.

Too bad people like you need to lie on the blog, to support their 'points.' Hint--it's not a good point, if it ain't true.

August 03, 2010 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I studied Ostendorf. I understand, and recognize that he more probate experience.
Im not denying that. And whether he comes from New Canaan or Darien, I dont care. I said it in many prior posts--this is not the Turkey Bowl. I want a guy who is the most competent in that seat.

However, for all the fact finding i did, the one clear thing about ostendorf is that he is not a very sharp legal mind.

I have gone over close to 80 pages of research, and he appears to get his case load, because he is the cheapest lawyer. Not because he is the best.

If you want to point me in a direction that establishes some significant case that he was able to win you over, in terms of his sharp legal mind, I would love to be able to vote for him.

But saying he has more cases, does not mean he is the best. (but you can also endeavor to prove me wrong on this count as well.)

August 03, 2010 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should familiarize yourself with Roberts rules of order.

Or how about this---go into a court room and just start 'exercising your right to free speech.'

See in a court of law---ANY court of law, if the rights you speak of actually are that literal.

Bayne had no right to the floor at that point.

(I dont even know what you are talking about--but I guarantee that Bayne is actually the disrespectful one.---the guy makes rules to protect himself, then routinely breaks them. Check out the "code of conduct' and then take a vote from those who observe. Bayne is the most disrespectful guy on that board--bar none. He thinks he is smarter than everyone. But--actually ask guys who went to college with him. They are embarrassed by him. The guy is not stupid-but also not smart.

August 03, 2010 6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are finally coming to the end of figuring out what to do with 35 Leroy? Oh, really?

Who has done the figuring? Not me. Not the 2 D's on the BOS. Only the 3 R's on the BOS, that's who. Cut the bull - there's been no collective thinking.

August 03, 2010 6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked the million dollar question in this shuffle equation, which is: how many on the senior center roster are from out of town?

I'm fine with out-of-town seniors using our facility. But if a significant percentage of senior center users are out-of-towners, why the hell are we paying millions to shuffle the properties?

Come to think of it, how many people use the senior center on a weekly basis? Not many, I'll wager, as I see seniors doing other things all over town... at the library, the DCA, the DAC and undoubtedly the clubs. Maybe the era of "senior centers" is over and the focus should be on "senior programing" at various sites.

This shuffle is exactly what it seems - a big waste.

August 03, 2010 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we even considering moving BOE/town employees to a prime piece of real estate downtown?

If no one wants affordable housing there, so be it. Why can't the town sell it and use part of the proceeds to fund the renovation of the existing senior center? Also...why is the senior center a 100% town-funded project. Other towns work in a public/private partnership to fund such facilities. Its amazing how townies can be so charitable, but NO ONE has stepped up to organize some funding for this project.

Lastly, what were the DHS neighbors' objections to putting in a pool? How are these objections not a concern at the Town Hall site?

August 03, 2010 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

641pm You can defend Campbell till the cows come home. Watch the meeting then decide.His behavior is inappropriate.

August 04, 2010 10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Experience is what matters.

Who ever said probate required a sharp mind.

Maybe Supreme Court.

But settling dead people's affairs?
Give me a break.

Competent, organized, fair and trustworthy.

That's about it.

let's keep it real.

There is nothing earth-shattering or brainiac stuff going on it the probate court.

If people keep going to Mr. O. Esq.
he must be competent, likeable, reliable.

Not bad.

Give it a rest.

I was in NC last weekend and all I saw were signs for him.

We've got 2 in Darien and 1 in NC.

If I were a betting man, I'd go for Mr. O Esq.

August 04, 2010 10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The library may be "ours," but it was at a price. $4+m, roughly. So any "project" utilizing that property must factor in that cost.

August 04, 2010 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a fool to argue an inarguable point.

The BOF approved the purchase of 35 leroy ONLY if used for housing. There was a contingency attached. The RTM put forth an amendment to purchase the property but without the contingency.

My whole point is that the BOF made the determination that the property should be purchased if used only for its highest and best use, which they determined was housing. I don't know what their minutes say nor do I care - I only know what the motion was before the RTM and the public comments made by the BOF. I was there, but don't take my word for it. Check RTM minutes spring '07. Don't try to argue an inane point that bears nothing on what I represented.

August 04, 2010 10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:36 Osterndorf may be the "cheapest" of all the lawyers running, but if he were incompetent or people were dissatsified word would get around and he would not have double the cases the other two candidates have. He has the experience regardless of what he charges and I don't think the sharpest minds in the legal world will be found practicing in Darien or New Canaan.

August 04, 2010 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell 35 Leroy, use the money to help move forward with Weed Beach or the Police Station. Those were the project the RTM approved.

BOE in 35 Leroy would be a ridiculous waste of space and money.

Senior Center at 35 Leroy is a fantastic option if there's a plan for funding.

The town simply can't afford a pool at this point and it shouldn't be included in any plans until Weed Beach (which benefits ALL town residents) is completed.

August 04, 2010 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a horse's ass. Or worse.

You can't argue on the merits of an issue, so you resort to petty nonsense, like calling someone not smart or saying that their college buddies are embarrassed by them.

The bottom line is that Campbell's behavior the other night was inexcusable. Bayne had the floor and Campbell cut him off because he did not like what he was saying. But instead of saying that he disagreed with Bayne, he simply shut him down. Boom. Just like he would do as the boss at Ring's End. Talk about embarrassing; it was embarrassing to anyone who witnessed it.

Try as you might to deflect the blame onto someone else, but it was all Campbell's own doing.

And for the record, I'm not Bayne. Just someone disgusted yet again by our "has-to-be-the-boss" First Selectman.

August 04, 2010 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was only one DHS neighbor who objected to the pool and rather than negotiate with the neighbor he was bought out by two wealthy individuals on the building committee and got the town to agree not to build a pool for something like 20 years.

The thinking was that negotiating would take too much time and the building committee wanted to move ahead with approvals and construction.

This has been a very sore point for many in town who feel that we should not havve signed that right away. A pool belongs at the high school, especially one so state-of-the-art.

Let's not make the same mistake this time with the shuffle game. Campbell is pushing this aas an efficient way to fix the senior center problem because it does not require the construction of any new buildings, but it is expensive and not necessarily the best solution.

August 04, 2010 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Ryan will make a terrific Probate Judge.

His education, his 30 years of legal experience and his years of public service all contribute to my conclusion that he is BY FAR the best one for the job.

He already has my vote ... since I'm leaving tomorrow for a few weeks vacation.

August 04, 2010 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Campbell has no class
2.This shuffle is a waste.

August 04, 2010 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great thinking.

I imagine, if you had a choice between a dilapadated piece of crap building to go to , or somewhere else, you would go to the piece of crap. Right?

Or, by chance--by some small chance, do you think that if the facility gets upgraded -there may be more people attending?

I love idiots like you who are either too stupid to understand even the simplest of scenarios, or are totally dishonest in the way they want to portray their argument.

August 04, 2010 2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:46 pm

The shuffle is a good move all around. It effectively uses all town assets and then some. The BOE and the new probate court can go in at 35 Leroy - it's a perfect place for them both. Seniors have to be planned for - give them a good facility close to town hall so they can maximize their interaction with town services. It makes perfect sense.

August 04, 2010 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it. We spend millions to shuffle the senior center for seniors who aren't even darien residents!

Reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies, Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come."

It's great that the BOS wants to be so generous with our tax dollars.

August 04, 2010 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I'm civil in my posts but you're not. Your logic is flawed and so you resort to name-calling. How sad for you.

OF COURSE seniors would prefer a nice building to a dilapidated one. And so would our out-of-town senior center patrons. Isn't that kinda the point? We're building a state-of-art senior center for non-residents. We're so special!

August 04, 2010 4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a different economy, I probably wouldn't disagree with you, but because of the one we're in, I do.

There's no right or wrong place for any of these services, but to say that the old library is "perfect" for the BOE and probate court is a bit disingenuous.

35 Leroy is a prime piece of real estate - how many times did we hear that from the likes of Old Stone neighbors and Klein-haters who wanted to squelch AH there? To put the BOE in prime real estate makes no sense whatsoever.

I'm ok with the seniors at town hall, but again, it's one of several ok locations (Edgerton among them). Besides Social Services, what town hall services do they need to be in such close proximity to? Maybe you didn't know that Soc. Services made themselves available to seniors at the Senior Center a couple of days a week, so even that argument does not have much influence with me.

August 04, 2010 4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:37 pm

It makes a lot more sense than Klein's idiotic plan to build affordable housing at 35 Leroy. Build it for the 'teachers and the police officers' they said. What a bunch of BS!! All of them made too much money to qualify.

The answer given by every one of the morons on the BOS at the time to this ridiculous plan was that we needed it to get close to getting the moratorium points - Seth Morton and Linda Santarella were especially closeminded and didn't demand Klein show how she counted.

THEN we find out Klein lied. We had the points all along!

Klein did a lot of damage and Bayne and Sullivan are sticking to the Klein storyline. It's funny how concerned they have become all of a sudden about how much money things cost.

Democrats in Darien are now the party of NO.

August 04, 2010 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 10:38AM

You obviously have no clue what the job requires. Try learning something before you shoot your mouth off.


It's people like you that give the blog a bad name.

August 04, 2010 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

august 1 12:17pm

if you want to be woefully unimpressed, look at terrie wood. she has done nothing except hand out a few proclamations from the governor now and then.

August 04, 2010 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Where are you getting this info.

reminds me of another movie: psycho.

How is it that people like you feel that the proper way to achieve an agenda is through lying?

You want to explain?

August 04, 2010 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats funny is that --the same people who want affordable housing at the library, and who bristle when someone mentions "outsiders', are the same exact people who now are claiming outrage when senior citizens from other towns benefit.

What sort of thinking is there? We are happy to spend millions to house you here, but do not want to spend thousands for you to experience life here?
Typical liberal crap.
Its not about helping people. Its about party politics.

August 04, 2010 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I checked.

you are a liar.

August 04, 2010 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


have a nice time in waco

August 04, 2010 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The end result of the shuffle:
(1) $4 million facility for our BOE employees in prime downtown location,
(2) Senior Center jammed into a building which was not designed to accomodate such services... definitely will cost $$$ to renovate and result in a half-baked facility
(3) Pool built for only a certain segment of the population, not open to the entire community... definitely ongoing operating costs not factored into this "analysis"

What is the real cost of this shuffle - immediate and ongoing operating?

Thank goodness that the First Selectman's term is only 2 years.

August 04, 2010 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the discussion surrounding probate judge just goes to show this is only a popularity contest. Will the winner be Artinian and his candidate Ryan or Marks and her candidate Murray. Smart people will vote for Osterndorf the guy who has the most experience, and to heck with the political b.s. Get real folks this is a local probate judge race that has been blown way out of proportion not by the candidates themselves but by their handlers in an attempt to outdo one another.

August 04, 2010 11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Which school is better? Villanova or Notre Dame? Notre Dame? Maybe but not FAR BETTER.
Which is better law school BC Or Fordham? Similar. No edge.
So his education is not far better.

30 years of legal experience? Is better than 25? Who cares if Ryan did 23 total cases and Murray 26 probate cases. Im not going to tell you that Murray has 'more cases' because the difference is negligible.

Publc service? He got paid for it--and--he did nothing. But, here Murray wants to do his "public service" so, why not let him? Its a ludicrous argument to cite paid public service as a reason to vote for judge. If, however you tell me that Ryan was able to secure funding for a new train station at Noroton Heights in his days up there. Or he was able to get money for police because of I-95 enforcement--Id say , those are 'reasons' Saying you got paid to do a job, yet have no examples of how you did that job well, is unfortunately, a strike against the man.
If character is the test ( as many of you cited prior to the revelation that Ryan was arrested for 100mph drunk driving) then Ryan has a hard time winning.

You can tell me that education, legal experience and public service are reasons to vote for him--but my conclusion is--you are just writing generic crap, with unfortunately no ability to get specific.

And, thanks for letting us know you are going on vacation. More pertinent stuff.

August 05, 2010 12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So you would rather have McDonalds over Mortons because they serve more people.
Quality --or cost--is not important. Its simply the numbers that add up.

I dont find my lawyer on the subway platform placards. If that guy does 10 drug cases a day-you would rather have him represent you ---great. Difference of opinion, but i think in this town, people care more about quality than quantity.

August 05, 2010 12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is my conclusion.

Neither Murray, Ostendorf nor Ryan are tremendous candidates.

I am not against ostendorf simply because he lives in a neighboring town. This is not a game, and in the end, we should want the best qualified candidate.

I dont see any of them as a great choice.

Ill probably end up voting for Ostendorf or Murray, only because Ryan supporters are super nasty people. And have no limits, and it would be ashame to elect a man with so vile of friends.

Ill flip a coin--but neither side will be ryan.

The RTC is becoming an albatross for it's candidates.

They should clean up their act. Act respectfully. Promote their candidate on their merits, not attack when asked what those merits are.

That faction is a club. A close knit group of less than appealing people, who sit around in their moth-ball smelling houses, pontificating over what person they will attack next.

They supported a guy suing the town's board that he was running for. They support a guy with a conviction for poor judgement --for a judge. They 'embarrass' the town with their ways at conventions.
And none of them has an idea in their head that doesnt coincide with harry artinian.

The next RTC election , i will guarantee you will see these people's departure. Their reign is not good for this town. In their view -every job has only 19 possible people. Ryan, Schoonmaker, etc. The same people who show up at the Christmas parties and fund raisers are the only people they know in their sad little world.

August 05, 2010 12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:20 The pool was not built at the high school not only because of the potential lawsuit by the neighbors. It was not in the "education specs" because Sallie Raleigh did not want it there. She was Chair of the BOE at the time. Further, Darryl Lund, then Superintendent thought that the high school would not pass referendum if a pool was part of the plan. Mrs. Raleigh's husband is one of the neighbors who now is protesting lights at the high school for outdoor play.

August 05, 2010 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:15 PM,
What's not considered "prime real estate" in Darien? Clearly, there is a will for those involved with the Senior Center to move it from the Edgarton location to Town Hall -- so that too must be considered "prime real estate," no?

Perhaps we should build a new BOE building at Edgarton?

August 05, 2010 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Synergy. Aren't we all just sick of that word. You mean like peanut butter and jelly synergy.Synergy is what complimentry used to be. Now for me Synergy means nausea. I can't stand when people try to use a fancy word to impress people. It makes me nauseous when I hear of the complimentry uses the seniors would have if the senior center was in town hall. Like what ? Being down the hall from social services ? Try again. You have to come up with a better example to justify spending 8 million george washingtons. If its synergy your looking for how about pen and paper.... and a new plan !

August 05, 2010 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other Boards/Commissions get to vote on the Campbell shuffle? P&Z? BOF? RTM? What information are they going to be looking for?

As a regular TV79 junkie, I suppose P&Z will want to know how the facilities will be re-configured, and about parking, traffic and intensity of use. The BOF and RTM will surely be asking about the $$$. Has the BOS done any of its homework relating to these issues?

Bayne and Sullivan, having watched Klein get flailed by accusations that she didn't do her homework (Procaccini, Health District), are asking these kinds of questions. Campbell, Neilsen and Stephenson seem remarkably unconcerned about them, and bristle when their more experienced fellow Board members ask.

I certainly hope that the other Boards will not let down their guard simply because the Rs have a majority on the BOS. They have a duty to the taxpayers.

August 05, 2010 5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty interesting that Mr. Bayne or Mrs. Sullivan never raised the cost issue at 35 Leroy when Mrs. Klein proposed putting 21units of affordable housing at the site, resulting in a cost of $200,000 per unit or about $168,000per moratorium point.

August 05, 2010 5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Jayme Stevenson been sleeping? Golden's lawyer specifically said that his client will not be doing flood mitigation projects for the town on his property if (and when) he re-develops it. He's willing to do whatever storm water management is required by P&Z regulations, and no more. That spot relief is not a solution to town flooding. Why is Stevenson exaggerating what we can expect from Golden?

Another thing -- Golden is looking for a zoning change. Again, his lawyer has been very clear that there are no re-development plans now, and whatever drawings he holds up or gets printed are conceptual only. It certainly would be a kick in the pants to Darien if P&Z gave Golden the zoning change, and he then turned around and sold his suddenly much more valuable property to some one else.

August 05, 2010 5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think as Republicans we would do well to stop talking about the "nasty" Democrats and take a long look at the behavior of some of our more vocal party members. This Probate Judge race has been disgraceful, but the blame does not lie with the candidates themselves but rather those who are running the campaigns. It is embarrassing for all Darien Republicans.

August 05, 2010 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:39am Voting for Murray is validating the behavior of the person running his campaign and the nasty attacks on Ryan. She has outdone herself this time around even though many thought that could not be possible. By choosing her as campaign manager Murray has shown a lack of judgement.

August 05, 2010 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Civility? Interesting term. So as you manipulate facts, twist facts, and portray the situation far differently than it is, but, using non-hostile words, you consider that civil.

Personally, I think lying is not civil, but I suppose you think if you dont name call , whilst lying, you are civil.

There, no name calling. I imagone you will now accept my post without response?

To consider current numbers of attendees to any falling down building is, in my opinion, illogical.

Now it's your turn, not to address the tenor of my post but in the logic of my post. I trust you will be incapable, but prove me wrong.
Tell me why you think we should consider the current number of people who attend today's center as logical evidence of those who will attend in the future, while fully taking into account the fact that a new center will be a vastly improved physical building.

Thank you so much , in anticipation of your civil and honest analysis.

(hint, an honest, civil analysis will acknowledge that with better conditions, more people will show.)

(if your point is to only consider the residency requirements of those who may attend in the future, then I ask you to retract the current attendance numbers from your post. )

August 05, 2010 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Consider how much the Mather school cost, and then consider that town employees work there everyday.

You think that was a wise investment?

In your analysis, consider the 4 million dollar cost, and then compare if we gave the land away (200 year lease is giving it away) or if we kept it for munipal purposes.

Which is the better investment?
And to help you along with your analysis--buy a house for 4 mio dollars and then quickly give it to a tenant for 200 years for no money . Or, house your relatives in it, whilst keeping the home's title with you.

Which makes more sense?

In the AH scenario,--we gave the land away.

Dont forget it. If property prices move up, we can sell the building and reap a profit. It doesnt work that way with AH there.

August 05, 2010 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1116pm aug 4th

How many times are you going to tell us the same thing.

A vote for murray is for marks. a vote for ryan is for arinian. We get it. you said it now everyday.

You are for ostendorf, and the only way you can think of getting him votes is to tell us the other 2 have rtc members in their corner.

August 05, 2010 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And since this is an anonymous blog, how could you possibly know those are the same people??

I, for one, am a bit skeptical about moving the senior center without having further stats, such as number of seniors who use it weekly, and how many of those are Darien vs. out-of-town residents. I don't have a problem with out-of-towners using the facility, but should we spend millions on this?

August 05, 2010 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:31 pm - now that is a great idea. Perfect place for BOE - right next to the Middle School centrally located to all the elementary schools and very close to HS. Maybe Jerry will have some space in his building to rent the BOE while it is being built. We could give him a tax credit for letting the BOE have space.

It just doesn't make sense to move the BOE to 35 Leroy away from the schools and the town hall. The building really needs to be sold - problem is what if Avalon buys it? That would be real irony.

August 06, 2010 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have selective memory...

The attacks first came from Ryan's side, calling out the person running Murray's campaign as being an alcoholic.

Then and only then did the FACT come out that Mr. Ryan was arrested for DUI and reckless driving -- @ a reported 100 MPH.

Mr. Ryan is a candidate for a Judge position, where his skills in judgement are going to come into play. Recalling a reported incident that he displayed a serious lack of judgement, in my opinion, is enlightening, not "nasty". I will continue to enlighten my friends and neighbors of this information until primary day.

It's funny, I never heard you call out the press' Chris Noe story last November which recalled an act he committed well over a decade or two ago story as being "nasty".

A bit hypocritical, no?

August 06, 2010 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.30 -- you're forgetting the use of the arts center and the potential for a pool.

Just keeping it real.

August 06, 2010 9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To stick w/ 9:05's thought process -- Also realize a significant amount of space ay Mather School/Town Hall is not utilized, and lays dormant for minimal storage purposes.

Funny, I never heard any complaints about that over the years.

August 06, 2010 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:10 PM,
Under your same logic, I guess a vote for Ryan is voting for a candidate that supports reckless driving under the influence of alcohol.

August 06, 2010 1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can't there be a town wide referendum on the shuffle plan? What is required to get this whole thing on a ballot for the voters?

August 06, 2010 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know which poster you're replying to, but your argument is not a good one.

With regard to the town "giving land away," cities and towns do those kinds of land leases for aff. housing all the time. The thought is that if the town makes the land available and a developer pays for construction, both parties benefit (in case you're not aware, aff. housing is deemed by many as a benefit because it addresses a need).

The biggest problem with this whole deal is that the library was greedy by asking the town to pay more than the property was worth. The RTM raised questions about this but ultimately agreed that even though we were over-paying, it was for a good cause.

August 06, 2010 9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will we have th same idiot (who got it wrong last time) mention that campbell is away?

im suspect so.

August 06, 2010 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aug 5 10:26 pm

Why are you so concerned now about out-of-towers using the new senior center? don't they use the new library too?

August 06, 2010 11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the probate judge position so coveted?

What is the pay?

August 07, 2010 10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

probate judges make roughly 105,000 a year.

That would be a substantial raise for Ryan whose practice is, shall we say, .....pathetic.

No wonder he thinks it's full time.

He has never seen so much money.

August 07, 2010 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry, but your argument is not a good one at all.

Dont other towns and cities convert library , schools and other buildings like that into municipal buildings? If they do--then you should automatically not protest this use. After all--according to you if it's done by other towns --then its ok.

"It fills a need?" Ok. Which need? I am not in need of providing affordable housing in darien. Most of the people I know are not needing to provide affordable housing in Darien. You want to explain what need it fills?

(But in doing so, please explain why that need should be provided for by taxpayers, rather than , for example Avalon or Garden Homes. You say my argument is not a good one. Please be specific in what need it fills--and why , because other cities and towns do it, then Darien should.

By the way-do other cities and towns pay 2.25 mio and acre?

Thanks. You always say people's arguments are not good---so I hope you can explain why if other towns and cities do it--then it makes it a correct decision---and that the plan to convert to municipal use is not ever done by other towns.

August 07, 2010 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan's judgement is in question.

Dont think its nasty to point out errors in judgement by a guy wanting to become a judge.

care to explain why that is nasty--rather than pertinent?

if you dont want to look at his past--then you have to erase all the good stuff as well.

which is inane.

ryan drove drunk at 100mph. on a populated highway. and --at taxpayer expense -since he submits his driving expenses to and from hartford.

Will he be drunk while on the bench?

Will he be reckless?

Will he show little regard for people around him?

Its not like he has been responsible in the past.

August 07, 2010 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:46, so what do you think it would cost to build a brand new BOE buiding on Edgarton?

I gather it would be much more than the expense to transfer the BOE to 35 Leroy...

August 07, 2010 4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not concerned one bit about out-of-towners using the senior center. I think it's great and very generous of us to share our center with others.

I watched the replay of Monday's BOS meeting last night and I heard Carl Kilduf state that a "significant number" of seniors utilizing the senior center are from out-of-town.

If that's true, the question begs: should we be funding a new senior center?

From what little I've read in the papers over the last few years, the senior centers of the future will be without walls, per se, because the focus will be on programming and not a building. Many are not even called senior centers. My observations are that Darien seniors have a plethora of programming options between the library, the DCA, the DAC, the assisted living facility on Ledge Road (name?), the YMCA and the various country clubs. Let's figure out what the senior center offers that no one else does and find a way to weave that programming in instead of building a separate facility.

As for the Library, state law requires that CT public libraries be available to all residents in the state. Just as out-of-towners can use our library, we can use theirs.

August 07, 2010 6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good Post.

I highly doubt that you will hear from that guy again.

Anyone who cites 'other towns do it' as a reason to do something, is weak.

Other cities and towns have prisons, jails, and high-rise buildings. If that guy thinks we should have prisons in Darien "because other towns and cities " do it, ...........

You have to think about why it's right for Darien. Not about what made sense for other communities.

As you said, his 'argument is not a good one at all.'

But we won't hear a response. Because these type of people, once they realize they are wrong, simply fade into the woodwork. Never would the guy have the courage to say --'you are right.'

Reminds me of Evonne Klein, the worst First Selectman in the history of Darien Ct. Did she ever say she was wrong??

Even this new take on affordable housing points. When the affordable housing plan was submitted by the 2007-2009 Klein -led BOS they said "you asked for a housing plan--we present this to you."
Now that various items such as the set-aside option are revealed by this Republican led BOS --Klein says , as well as Bayne "the plan was the responsibility of P and Z"
What a weak --WEAK person she was.

When she thought it filled the need--she was right there accepting the credit for an accomplishment. When it looks wrong--guess what??? Its no longer hers.

Now I know she is no longer in office--but dont call people hypocrites etc--dont take people to task--when you Democrats can never see what a two faced/weak leader Klein was.
When Campbell makes a mistake (and he has made quite a few) he doesnt point to other people or other times or other things to excuse himself.

We are left with a buidling that Klein bought (and yes you can also look to blame others--but it was evonne klein) for way too much money and a host of lies that were meant to try to augment her resume.

Im surprised Klein isnt running for probate judge. It pays.

August 07, 2010 11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stefanoni has about 50 days to get his applications in.
which he will--which will show us all that he was full of crap in his confidence in his view on the flawed moratorium application.

He gets on here all the time claiming its not about the money -and he has so much of it.....

lets see what happens.

Lets see if we can trust what he says.

Trust---lets see.
Stef--you read the blog---are you full of it? or are you confident in your position?

If you submit-we all know that you are full of crap.

Bad position you put yourself in--with your myopic bravado.

But that is what napoleanic guys do.

And sir--you are the definition of napoleanic.
Even if you want to laugh it off.

Your whole personality is about proving yourself -


August 08, 2010 12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bayne and sullivan apparently think they are still in charge of the bos and that their beloved evonne is still pulling the strings. what's most ironic is that klein is still trying to do just that.

just notice that, at bos meetings, when sullivan and bayne don't get the answers they want, or are called out for what they say, they go back to coach klein to give them a different way to say the same thing over and over. like klein, they will say ANYTHING that might make campbell look bad.

sullivan and bayne are suddenly obsessed with building a NEW senior center or bos building or ah at edgerton. they are also very concerned (wrongfully) that there will not be any funding for flood mitigation.

where were they when we needed them? the only flood project they tried to get done as quickly as possible (in time for upcoming elections) was to destroy baker park to help a few commercial property owners on heights road! nothing proposed for private home owners whose personal property had been destroyed by flooding.

they're still blaming the seniors for klein's lack of follow-through on the new senior center.

klein publicly stated that she would sell 35 leroy if it could not be used for ah...she would not even consider other uses for the property. now bayne is suggesting that the property be sold to make money available for other town projects. even tho kate bush said that this would not be a "pot of money" available for projects because it was money that had to be paid back to the town......bayne still thinks it should be mommy klein wanted.

klein didn't support bayne and/or sullivan during the election. could it be that they had to "earn" her support by continuing her failed agenda?

i laughed when bayne talked about "campbell's" task force committee coming to the conclusions they were "asked" to reach. LOL

everyone in town knows that klein PERSONALLY selected people to serve on committees that she knew would vote her way (even tho some were republicans....they were "republicans for klein"). she also managed to have "plants" on boards and commissions who would act as her eyes and ears. she also planted her go-to people at meetings when she knew a subject would be controversial.

don't make me laugh, bayne and sullivan. unlike klein, campbell appointed a wide range of people to the task force....people with the expertise required to get the job done! i'm sure there were individuals on the task force who supported klein, but i guess "political expediency" was not as important to campbell as appointing the right people.

all bayane and sullivan have to do to make themselves look like total nay-saying idiots is to open their mouths. if it weren't so counter-productive, it would be laughable

August 08, 2010 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aug 7. 1:52pm

That probably goes double for Mike Murray, too. This guy thinks he would still keep his limited real estate practice and be a judge too! All the cuurent judges say that is impossible, so either he is pathetically misinformed or is delusional.

Either way, he is the wrong guy to be a judge.

August 08, 2010 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aug 7 6:10pm

It's clear you are a bleeding heart liberal. They have been saying for years, let's do nothing because the 'senior center of the future will have.....blah, blah, blah and blah'.

All of these assertions are based on nothing more than the 'expert' wish lists of other bleeding heart liberals who are supposed experts in senior issues, hoping the government will fund more of their fantasy grandiose ideas.

Meanwhile, the seniors can rot in a dilapidated building, trying to go down stairs in their walkers, and sit on toilets meant for 7 year olds.

Do nothing and let them suffer. You liberal Democrat whacks are disgusting - willing to try and resist ad nauseum a reasonable plan and let the people who helped
build Darien continue to suffer in silence.

NO. There is a good plan. Let's put in practice. Enough delays. Tell Bayne and Sullivan to shut up, and Evonne Klein to crawl back in her hole. Nobody cares what any of them say.

August 08, 2010 2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Stefis one of the boyz/ and u were drunk again.

Keebler Lady. Ha Ha.

Stef hedges his bets/ and wins

Not a dumbie like u. Ha ha right back at you.

August 08, 2010 4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a reminder to voters: John Ryan was reportedly arrested about 9 years ago for DUI and Reckless driving -- while doing 100 mph on the Wilbur Cross.

A classic lack of JUDGEment in my opinion.

August 08, 2010 5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(part 1 )
There once was a man named Dan
Who was part of a 5th generation clan
He thought no one was smarter or would ever try harder
"Owning our town" was his master plan.

Now Danny was a real smooth talker
Who could charm all from cradle to walker
But behind that smile was something so vile
An obsession worse than a stalker.

He honed his skills of deception
While crafting a cordial reputation
From primary school he knew he could fool
All he met without exception.

But deep, deep down in his soul you see
Slights perceived from afar caused huge misery
A chip on his shoulder as big as a boulder
The country clubs ignored him with glee.

He would never be accepted he knew
So he vowed that this would be true
He would tell them one thing while controlling each string
To screw 'em while they had no clue.
(to be cont'd)     

August 08, 2010 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bayne! ya know....ya know....ya know....ya know. very annoying. is this how you argue in court? any knowledgeable judge would interpret the constant "ya knows" as a sign of someone who is stalling for time when he isn't really sure about what he's saying. ya know what i mean? ya know....ya know....ya know?

i'd love to hear you arguing a case in court, ya know?

August 08, 2010 8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aug 8. 5:55 pm

Ryan has no convictions of any thing of the sort. The Murray people, led by the disgusting smear merchant Susan Marks, is desperately trying to prop up someone who is not ready or qualified to be a judge.

Murray made a big mistake having Marks run his stalling campaign. It doesn't reflect well on his judgment which is exactly what he is trying to sell as his supposed 'strength' to the Darien voters.

What a joke.

August 08, 2010 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan Marks and her buddies are taking such pleasure in reminding us of John Ryan's 10=YEAR-OLD DUI. Granted, this was a very serious offense, and a serious error in judgement. In the ten years since that incident, has Ryan ever been guilty of any further violations? Is this incident, which occurred in the wee hours of the morning (hardly a "heavy traffic" hour) sufficient to ruin the rest of his life or to prevent him from ever earning a living again?

People in glass houses should not throw stones. Give it up! We know, we know! It's really sad to see people like you milking this issue to smear a well-respected and philanthropic citizen of Darien just to gain political points for your own candidate.

August 08, 2010 10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor, poor John Ryan. I drove through New Canaan today -- up 124/106/123 and I didn't see one Ryan sign (not like the doubles per property I see in Darien). However, I did see plenty of signs from the other two candidates.

'Reckless John' can thank Darien's self proclaimed "Godfather" for his loss. Harry pissed off enough people in New Cannaan to secure DUI-Ryan's demise.

August 08, 2010 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know you are stefanoni.

Dont bother anymore.

You can spell it dumbie.

But, you are incapble of not standing up for yourself.

Its just part of who you are.

August 09, 2010 12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please prove to me that "all the current judges say it cant be a part time job."

If Murray is wrong on this count--then i cant vote for him.

I havent exactly read where Murray states it's a part time job.
Did he?
I can see him saying he 'wont give up his practice'--but that is not at all the same thing as saying its part time.
I read through the candidate profiles and I havent read the part time thing in any of Murray's stuff.Im not saying its not true--just would love to see proof rather than your anonymous assertion.

August 09, 2010 12:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting interview by Ryan.

1) says that its unfortunate that he is qualified, and considers this an obligation.

2) Says that the delegates chose him -and if you look at their resumes, (RTM etc)..... you have to conclude they know what they are doing. (who were the delegates? )
So does this mean that the BOS from both towns who endorsed Murray -the voters should consider them as unqualified? Or should the voters simply ignore other qualified people who have endorsed?

is this the type of reasoning that ryan is about? Ignore one side of the argument if it doesnt suit? I hope that is not the way he would decide if he were a judge?

Terrible interview.

The guy, simply put, loves to hear himself talk. The problem is--he isnt smart enough to talk for that long.

August 09, 2010 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe we have such imbeciles in Town Hall. If I were the powers to be in Hartford I would be shaking my head at such incompetency. However, this second "mistake" will not affect the outcome, as there is no possible way we have the points needed to obtain a moratorium, unless changes have been made allowing units which were not previously deemed "set-aside" at Avalon, to be categorized as "set-aside" units. Has anyone asked that question of Kilduff, Aldrich and/or Ginsburg? I think before we get our hopes up the question of what has changed needs to be answered. Since this all seemed to come about from Atty Hollister who represented Avalon of Daren, maybe he is the go to guy for answers.

August 09, 2010 1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um. I am not a "bleeding heart liberal" and I definitely do not favor the shuffle as it has been described.

Furthermore, I was dismayed by the report of the last BoS meeting in last week's paper and plan to watch the rerun to see if what was reported is true.

Maybe Campbell's shuffle plan has merit, but there are too many unanswered questions about total costs and facility usage. I personally would never advocate placing an administrative dept. (BoE) in a property as expensive as 35 Leroy. My vote would be to sell the property and replenish the town's general fund.

Is there something wrong with asking questions? Your support of David Campbell and the other two R's is so blind and dogmatic that you are off-putting reasonable people like myself.

Lighten up.

August 09, 2010 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you get your sorry ass on the Board and let's see how you do.

Note that I'm not Bayne.

But obviously you are too much of a coward to do that and would rather focus on real or imagined verbal tics of others.

Remember this very sage piece of advice: what's good for the goose is good for the gander, or vice-versa. I'm far too nice to pick apart Jayme's officious verbiage (which makes people want to vomit) or Dave's dismissive manner. And does Jerry ever speak? But be fore-warned that there may be others on this blog who aren't so kind.

August 09, 2010 2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny (or not funny) to see the stefanoni's complain over the years about the hurdles -and bureacracy..etc.

Now they employ every burecratic angle they can think of.

Do they really even think about what they come across as?

It baffles me they want to live in this town.

August 09, 2010 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1205 am

New moratorium information on Patch...

Of course Stefanoni is going to apply before the moratorium--even Dave Campbell knows that now.


But-- what's up with the town messing up its moratorium application again/ not completing them?


What stupidity.

First it was Klein with the DEP/DOT and now Campbell?

These are paid positions-- shouldn't be so many screw-ups.

What is it First Selectman-itis?

August 09, 2010 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it about Stefanoni being such an a**h*le?

He's like a dog that wont let go of a bone just trying to derail the moritorium.

What's the bug up his ass?

Darien shouldn't have to put up with his cr*p.


August 09, 2010 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wrong. Darien should do things properly. We look stupid when we can't even comply with the procedural requirements. As 343 noticed, our FS, whether Klein or Campbell, just can't seem to get the simple things right.

Blaming the staff is lame. The buck stops in the corner office. The FS should be paging through these documents before they leave the building to be sure that they are complete. Oops, I forgot. Campbell isn't in the office. He's on vacation. AGAIN.

His UNPAID Acting FS (Nielsen and Stevenson) are alternatively in charge while he's gone and still collecting his salary. How many weeks has he been out since he got sworn in last November? More than anyone I know who has just started a new job, that's for sure.

August 09, 2010 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

150 pm & 203 pm

ya know, bayne, we all know how you feel. your blogs merely repeat what you've said before at bos meetings, ya know?

ya know, the bos used to be located at cherry lawn....a very valuable piece of darien real estate, ya know?

ya know, your kindness toward the republicans on the bos is very much appreciated, ya know? so glad you had more dignity than to trash them, ya know?

ya know, i'm so glad you had to point out that you're NOT bayne, ya know. maybe your mommy evonne blogged in your defense, since she is "too much of a coward" to blog under her own name, ya know?

campbell may not be the great orator that you are, ya know? the big difference between the two of you is that he is really trying to do what is best for darien rather than worrying about the next election outcome, ya know?

ya know, you and callie sullivan are a prime example of obstructionism, ya know?

ya know, your same old, same old Klein strategies are really boring. maybe you should ask mommy to change your script, ya know?

August 09, 2010 6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the Stefanoni e-mails and letter about Darien's stumbling attempts to file a moratorium application. (They're available on the Patch.)

My take-away -- we should hire Mrs. Stefanoni to be in charge of AH policy in Darien. She's smarter than anyone we have on our team. Ideological ranting is not going to be effective here. Careful compliance with the state's rules matter. She knows that. Campbell doesn't, and that will be our downfall.

August 09, 2010 6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Open questions to Callie Sullivan and David Bayne:

DENY the voracity of comments made by 2:44 p.m.

DENY that your BOS deferred maintenance on the Senior Center in anticipation of building new.

DENY that you promised to build a new Senior Center at Edgerton.

DENY that the old library property was purchased AFTER you proposed a new Senior Center at Edgerton.

DENY that, because the seniors asked your BOS to consider the possibility of relocating to 35 Leroy, you labelled them as "indecisive" and scrapped any plans for a new Senior Center anywhere.

DENY that the focus of your BOS immediately changed to affordable housing so that Klein could score political points with the State.

DENY that Klein once stated that the seniors are a very small voting constituency in Darien (ergo, could not contribute much to her political ambitions).

DENY that you would rather pour money into a new, or refurbished, Senior Center at Edgerton (which would require several years of planning and implementation) rather than to use an existing municipal building for this purpose.

DENY that you care less about the safety and well-being of the seniors than you do about fulfilling Klein's failed agenda.

I think we would all eagerly await your response.

August 09, 2010 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are you talking about?

Are you drinking some sort of spiked kool-aid?

The stefanonis dont complain about the bureaucracy-they make their money by it.

They have always been about using every little angle in the laws to their advantage.

I say, more power to them.

Think kabout it. If only the town were as good at knowing the rules as the stefanonis then we'd have a moratorium by now.

August 09, 2010 7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

125 pm

I know youre Bayne.

You're the most jealous jerk in this town.

A campbell wannabee.

Here's news for you- you'll never be 1st selectmen.

August 09, 2010 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

343 Wonder if Campbell will take some of the heat as Klein was forced to do. Perhaps we should be shining our light on Ginsberg + Co

August 09, 2010 8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know Stefanoni and don't want to put words in his mouth, but if I had to guess, I would say it's to humble jerks like you.

He has the time, the money and the smarts to do just that. I personally don't agree with his tactics, but at this point maybe he thinks it takes a pretty big hammer to knock sense into the heads of those who think the rules don't apply to them.

If he were building all affordable (esp. senior) housing, I would applaud him all the way to the bank.

August 09, 2010 9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(part 2)

So he quietly put his plan in play
To accumulate wealth day by day
Help from close childhood friends started setting the trends
"We're the townies...we'll own this town someday!"

And for years the plan unfolded so well
No one in his political party could tell
He would slap their backs while launching attacks
His real estate parcels started to gel.

Now this sweet deal was so perfect
It became his single life project
Controlling each Board made him the lord
And the one thing - at all costs - to protect

The growing sense of entitlement and zeal
Led them - to a person - to strongly feel
Even secretly propping Klein was perfectly fine
If it kept their own plans on even keel.

But more and more party members got wise
To the widespread deception and careful lies
He got sudden rejection in a town-wide election
During a January caucus surprise.

(stay tuned)

August 09, 2010 9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. dude, your right. if i hear stevenson utter the word "synergy" one more time i will barf.

August 09, 2010 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Susan Marks has shown her true colors and she sure has gotten desperate. It shows what a loser campaign manager she is - she can't tell people why to vote for Murray - because he is unqualified - so she gets in the dirt. John Ryan was never convicted of anything and it is 10-year old information. It isn't even news anymore - which is why the Darien Times endorsed him. He won three elections since and the Dems wouldn't even put people up against him. He is a good man who has given a lot of service to Darien.

Campbell, Nielson and Stevenson should be real proud of themselves. Worst of all, it shows Murray's poor judgment choosing her to run his sorry campaign. If you got Susan Marks as your campaign manager, you're a loser!

August 09, 2010 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Mr. Kilduff one of our highest paid town employees?

I sure would like to know what bug crawled up his anal cavity and took up residence there.

Just watched a repeat of last week's meeting and can't think of any other reason for his incredible rudeness. Has he always been this rude?

Almost any question put to him resulted in an unnecessarily sarcastic response, as if he couldn't be bothered with answering technical administrative questions that only he would know. The comment about the grant expert from Hartford being "too busy" to come down here to render an opinion about the proposed senior center space was over the top. So we should spend a few cool mil to relocate this program without knowing if we can keep the grant money? I don't think so, Mr. Hotshot.

Maybe someone should remind him that it's his job to serve as a resource for the Board.

August 09, 2010 9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your post is pathetic.
1--I have been the one of the people asking the questions about Ryan, and I have nothing at all to do with Susan Marks.
If you have proof that supports that Marks;s is also behind this revelation, please provide it. But short of that, you seem to feel that accusations are nasty--. Mine are based on fact. Yours are pure speculation. at least follow your same principle -and dont involve marks unless you know it to be true.

2--you say -, and I hope you dont really believe this--that driving drunk at night at 100mph -is not so bad if its in 'the wee hours of the morning'.
I hope you dont really think that its less of an issue because of the hour. Ask any first responder what hour of the day , most drunk drivers kill people. I guarantee you , its not at 415 in the afternoon. Anyone who has lost a loved one would find your dismissal, of these facts to be insensitive and ignorant.

No one is saying Ryan cant earn a living. But, there is an expectation that many of us have --to be seated on a bench, that demands prudent judgement. That judgement is not limited to 9-5. And if we have candidates who have demonstrated more responsible decision making processes throughout their life, then I think that it is a factor to be considered.

And lastly-could you elaborate on his philanthropy? If he has been generous in his donations to worth causes, I would certainly consider it. If you believe that being a paid politician is philanthropy--then I suggest you allow the other candidates to also engage in 'philanthropy." Why let Ryan do all the heavy 'philanthopic lifting.'
No, its not philanthropy. Its called a job.
And ryan was not asked to run. He called up dozens of people to ask for their support before he declared he would run.

August 09, 2010 10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just so I know that you are fair--please explain or answer this.

If Campbell discovers that we have had the points for 7 years, but that Klein never applied, despite it being brought to her attention---
And say Klein took one week vaction all 7 years, and Campbell takes 7 weeks a year.

Would you consider Klein to have done a better job on the moratorium application, because she took no vacation?

Its weird. Im thinking that Campbell has gotten more done in the 8 months he has been in office than Klein did in 6 years. And if he can do that while away a few weeks, then one has to ask--is vacation really that relevant?

I'll take the guy that has us headed to a moratorium after a few months in office and away a liberal amount of time, over the lady who was there all the time, but couldnt think of anything.

What about you?

August 09, 2010 11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If the stefanonis knew all the rules and were not negatively affected by the bureacracy --then where are the units of senior housing?
Thinnk about THAT -and get back to me.

in the past you told us that the town was obstructing them with rules.
Now , suddenly , again, the stefanonis know the rules--know how to get around them--but have built nothing?

Sorry--but you really are not very smart.
If im wrong--then let me know why they have built nothing.

August 09, 2010 11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets pretend that you (Mr. and Mrs. Stefanoni) really know the rules about affordable housing in CT. And if so, you would know, certainly, that 8-30g, is based on your home base of Massachusetts' 40B equivalent. With that said, then what are these competent people in Massachusetts saying, with their revolt against their handcuffed legislation? Is it true that there is a referendum to repeal the 40B (similar 8-30g) law? If so..
This is a law that CT has based its 8-30g legislation on. And it HAS NOT worked. If it had, there would not be the backlash that there is.

(EMPHASIS ADDED): Is this why you moved to CT...just like those sycophant attorneys and consultants who traveled to the next state to make their buck on "advising" the other states of the same legislation? What a seriously pathetic excuse to make a buck. My parents worked hard and long on their way to an early, wonderful retirement with ingenuity and imagination. Most importantly...Respectfully. And with dignity. What about you?
Try another state. CT doesn't need you. MA certainly doesn't either. (Especially Harvard. I hear they are looking the other way...they need the endowments, ya know).
Good Night.

August 09, 2010 11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not funny. Not for a second.

I'm not Bayne, and (lol) I'm not Klein, either. Bother you, does it, to think that someone might disagree with your attacks on Bayne?

You're attacking a guy for asking questions about a cock-eyed multimillion $ plan that was conceived in about a nanosecond?

Maybe you ought to think about what's reasonable here instead of trying to be a comic. No one but you is laughing.

August 10, 2010 8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


John Ryan had 2 more examples of poor judgement over the past 9 years. First he held on to "HIS" state representative position until he could control who would replace him. Second he had his wife put on the Probate Judge delegation. Both examples of poor judgement in the public arena. Enough said!

August 10, 2010 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 am:

ya know, many of us are amused when you have to deny that you are bayne or klein, ya know?

ya know, you say that we're "attacking a guy for asking questions about a cock-eyed multimillion $ plan that was conceived in about a nanosecond".

ya know, klein and your bos had six years, ya know? what positive things did she accomplish for our town, ya know?

ya know, bayne, you should stop blogging on the train, ya know? it really affects your brain, ya know?


August 10, 2010 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl Kilduff probably knows more about town planning than the combined knowledge of the entire BOS.

One can't blame him for his apparent frustration (he's not alone!!) at the political posturing by the Democrats on the Board. They continually back-pedal to reconstitute the failed Klein policies......regardless of the fact that studies have been done in the past and have were never implemented by the Klein administration.

Ideas that were discussed and summarily dismissed by the Klein Boards are now being revived by Callie Sullivan and David Bayne as "wonderful innovations".

I think the public sees through this ploy and is as frustrated by their nay-saying as Karl Kilduff seems to be. They had their chance (Klein had six years) and they failed to accomplish anything except endless studies and self-serving new policies. Enough is enough!

August 10, 2010 8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the other blogger about Mr. Kilduff. He assumed his current position under very difficult circumstances when our autocratic FS "told him the answers" and he was forced to finesse the issues to make the answer jibe.

IMHO, he earns every dime he makes. He attends endless meetings and he is allowed to participate and lend his expertise to the discussion. Even tho Callie and David have been presented with the facts of issues many times, Kilduff hears them comment at BOS meetings as if they had never heard what he said! God bless him for his patience; it's obvious that he sits at BOS meetings often in disbelief.

August 10, 2010 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's get this clear. Klein and Sullivan are now concerned that we will have a combined Senior Center/Community Center???? What a refreshing idea for efficient use of town-owned property!

As another blogger suggested, you should ask Evonne Klein to give you better arguments for opposing Campbell's ideas! You're really sounding desparate now!

August 10, 2010 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malloy wins big !

August 10, 2010 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Susan! Your guy won, but did he really? He didn't win Darien. As a matter of fact he lost Darien big time which means Harry and friends have more reach into the community than you thought. If it wasn't for the fact that your candidate worked in NC and was more well known to NC residents, Harry would be the one celebrating tonight. What does all of this mean? It means without the NC voters you would have lost and you still do not have the support of Darien Republicans. People recognize you for exactly what you are.

August 10, 2010 11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry Artinian's RTC: Lead by a guy who couldn't win a spot on the RTM, picked a P&Z Candidate dismisseed by the P&Z Commission, and the hand-picked delegates chose the candidate that was rejected for probate.

What exactly will it take for GOP voters in Darien start questioning the RTC's leadership???

August 10, 2010 11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think what you like with your limited capacity to imagine, but, as previously stated, I am neither Bayne nor Klein.

Maybe the blog moderators could remind those few annoying posters who insist they know other posters' identity that they annoy us all?

August 11, 2010 12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kilduff should know more. He's the town administrator and does this for a living.

I, too, saw the meeting replay and found him unbearably arrogant. To the earlier poster who commented on his salary, he is, in fact, the highest paid employee on the town side of the budget, but there are at least a dozen BOE employees who score higher salaries. No secret - it's published in the paper every year.

Kilduff is obviously in a difficult spot with a FS lacking municipal experience and yet asserting his "boss" status with wanting to push things through.

Bayne and Sullivan are absolutely correct in asking questions. You obviously don't like them. Fine; your prerogative. But I question your assertion that they are now finding as "wonderful innovations" ideas that were previously discussed and dismissed. Exactly what are these?

I personally take issue with a board whose majority can not openly and intelligently (and calmly)discuss their views with others. Maybe Nielson is okay, but jayme is haughty and dismissive and Campbell finds ideas that differ from his intolerable.

You criticize Klein, and yet at any meeting I ever watched, she solicited opinions from everyone on the board. It's not the same with Campbell, and that fact is not lost on people in town.

August 11, 2010 1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. I guess Susan Marks isn't such a loser after all, is she? 8/9 9:26pm, we'll expect your apology any time now.

August 11, 2010 8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/10 11:02pm

Really?!? Let's get this straight.

We have a former State Rep with high name recognition, whom Republicans have voted overwhemingly for 7 other times, supported by endorsements of the most popular political figure in town (Chris Shays) and the lead local paper (Darien Times). And he loses to a young lawyer without any prior political experience?

The fact that Murray's Darien operations got close enough to Ryan that they were able to put him down for the count in New Canaan is an enormous accomplishment. They started from nowhere three months ago, while Ryan had Harry Artinian using every trick in the book to get him the nomination, spending ooodles of money that Murray didn't have in the process (loved the train station billboards). It all failed; Murray won a classic grassroots campaign.

This is a massive indictment of Ryan's campaign team, led by Mr. Artinian and his RTC crew. If you don't think there was plenty of voting against Ryan/Artinian as well as FOR Murray, think again.

Your sore loser spin comments are as predictable as the sun coming up. YOU LOST AND SUSAN MARKS WON! Now, get over yourself.

August 11, 2010 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh 11:02 pm,

Let's get this straight: Mike Murray WON and John Ryan LOST. Let me repeat that: Mike Murray WON and John Ryan LOST.

You are a really pathetic sore loser, as well as a very stupid one.

This election was never about Harry versus Susan in the eyes of the voters… it was about selecting the best Probate Judge candidate for the newly formed district of Darien and New Canaan.

Try to spin it any way you like, but Mike Murry turned out to be the BEST candidate for the position -- as proven by yesterday's results. Despite Ryan's name recognition, the support of the conflicted Darien Times, Chris Shay's endorsement, and the unanimous vote of 10 hand-picked delegates, Ryan only got 6.3% more votes than Murray in Darien – that is, only 114 more votes. Also, don’t forget John Ryan came pretty darn close to coming in LAST place (only a dozen votes to be exact).

Some of the reason why Mike didn't obtain the most votes in Darien is because he and his campaign recognized this was a position that covered TWO towns and so he spent his time campaigning in both Darien and New Canaan accodingly. Also, as you admitted in your post, one of the reasons why Murray was a more suitable candidate than the others, is because he is connected to both communities, not just Darien. Perhaps if Murray only focused on Darien (like Ryan and his handlers stupidly did), Murray could have beat Ryan in Darien. Who knows… and who really cares.

The other losers are the delegates from both towns who did not recognize that Murray was the best candidate for the position because he did bridge both communities.

Yet, the biggest loser award in all this goes to Harry Artinian, who sealed the fate of John Ryan when he tried his power play move at the probate convention which was later labeled an “embarrassment”. When are you folks among the Old Guard of the RTC going to wake up and recognize that the “self described Godfather of the Darien GOP” has no cloths and the climate of political paybacks is gone??? Harry is not good for our local party, nor is the Old Guard’s philosophy.

Continue to throw poor candidates up there and the Darien voters will continue to side step the Old Guard of the RTC, as their relevancy slips away.

August 11, 2010 10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:02 PM
You are an idiot. The point of supporting Murray was that he could win because he could garner votes in NC. That is why he was the better choice. John Ryan is over..sorry you guys couldn't make your promise to him come true.
Bye Bye John...I think there might be a spot open this Fall on the RTM, maybe Harry could run your campaign.

August 11, 2010 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be clear, Mrs. Klein solicited opinions because she had a group of sheep on her board and not two members who are trying to stone-wall almost every move.

Let Callie and David ask their questions. It's becoming clearer by the day that many of Darien leaders are supportive of the current BOS' policies.

August 11, 2010 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1102,as you or one of your buddies said related to the delegate vote...

"Majority rules!" So just deal with it.

Your claim that the Darien vote count somehow matters more, the true majority has spoken, and your guy lost.

I wish him well in his private practice for years to come.

August 11, 2010 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


great post.

And if this election didnt include several darien factions, then murray would have won darien.

Ryan didnt win big. He won by 114 votes. 114?

Ryan was state rep for 14 years. He writes a very visable column in the darien times.

Murray is the definition of an unknown. And you are saying that 114 votes proves that harry and co are very influential? Ryan got shays endorsement? And wins by a measely 114 votes?

If 114 is BIG---you are out of your mind.

August 11, 2010 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are entitled to your opnion.
But, if you think Bayne is open to other people's ideas, then I think you are not be objective.

Sullivan has her ideas--but is not so openly and brashly critical.

Bayne is ridiculous. And to cite stevenson-and call her out--is being just as hypocritical as you suggest others are being

Or put it this way--are you aware of Bayne being accepting of another position on the board? Im not.
Are you aware of any position he does not agree with--that he has sat silently on?

No way.

Be honest if you are calling other people out on their lack of objectivity.
It is--but given that you seem not to be fair, you wont acknowledge as such.

August 11, 2010 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:09 a.m. on 8/11

I agree with everything you wrote after paragraphs 1 and 2. Well said, and I wish I had.

We are not going to be able to hire anyone better than Mr. Kilduff if he decides to deploy the slide. Not many people go into municipal administration as a career, and he's been here long enough to understand Darien's Byzantine government. Too bad a new layer of hostility has been added on top.

August 11, 2010 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1102 pm

I think most people know who John Ryan is. They knew him 4 years ago, 4 months ago and 4 weeks ago.

No one knew Murray 4 weeks ago.

Now he won.

I think Harry and Co. are delusional if you think they are powerful having that far a head-start and losing.

Examine who supports them.
Ryan writes an article in paper every week.

That alone is worth hundreds of votes.just the recognition factor.

Harry's faction are the dyed-in -wool type. The type that are way into being in politics. the type that vote in august for a primary.

And he still just got by with a huge head-start ---

Ryan should have won this hands-down.

August 11, 2010 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer me this: If the Stephanonies believe that it is a slam dunk that the Town's moratorium application is flawed, why has Mrs. Stephanonie communicted the following to the DECD?:

"So that I completely understand, up to the date of what 'event' (submission/publication) do I have to submit my new affordable housing application to the Town before the moratorium (assuming one is approved) deprives me of the appeals procedure?"

August 11, 2010 12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ryan clobbered Murray in Darien and beat him in five out of six districts where Marks spent all her time. What saved Murray was New Canaan where he works. It looks like we have a real estate lawyer now nominated to be a probate judge. This is going to get real interesting. With Murray running the merger if he is elected, a lot of people are now predicting there will soon be real probate problems in this part of the state.

August 11, 2010 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The only credit Harry should take is that he made sure the guy from Darien who won would not be considered by the Darien delagation. No matter how you cut it Harry failed Darien.

August 11, 2010 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur with the blogger who supports Karl Kilduff. He is the best administrator we have EVER had in Darien bar none. We are very lucky to have him regardless of how he comes across on Ch. 79. Karl is incredibly poised and works very hard under very trying circumstances. He is well-liked in town hall and by anyone who has worked with him. Count your blessings that we have Karl Kilduff instead of some of the nincompoops we had in the past.

August 11, 2010 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because any smart person covers all possibilities to limit downside.

Ever heard of hedge funds?


The Stefanonis are smart and want to make sure they don't make mistakes.

Kinda wish the town did the same.

August 11, 2010 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case you missed the names of the 10 Probate Court delegates of Darien who did a wonderful job of unanimously picking the wrong candidate, here they are:

Artinian, Schoonmaker, Schoonmaker Schoonmaker, Reiner-Gallo, Dale, Kernan, Slavin, Coyle, Zagradzsky.

If anyone has any doubt the fix was in on setting the stage for teh Ryan nomination, all you have to do is realize that two people from the same household were nominated over our 3 GOP BOS members and our very popular former BOE Chair.

Add to that, the wife of the nominee was one of those RTC members who voted for the delegates. Conflict of interest? Nah...

Voters saw right through it all.

August 11, 2010 6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope you realize how stupid your post is.

John Ryan, who you no doubt considered qualified, had no more experience than Ryan.

Ryan didnt clobber Murray. He won by just over 100 votes.
If you want to spin it, its not impossible from the other angle. Lets say that harry artinian's behavior at the caucus, that was so embarrassing for Darien, dirtied his candidate in New Canaan. Lets say that Harry lost it for Ryan.

Whether or not that is true, who cares. If you can call a town of 20,000 people = 11,000 voters to lose by 100 votes is hardly a clobbering. Do you really want to appear that incapable of describing the truth? You probably dont care? Consider then, why your side lost. When you make character an early issue, but the discover that Ryan's character had flaws--you decided to attack anyone who made character an issue.
When the job is about proper judgement, you decided that one or tow lapses were allowable.
Your side never wants to confront the truth. Murray won. Ryan lost. And there are a whole host of reasons. 1-Murray works in New Canaan. 2) The BOS from both towns endorsed him. 3-Character became a concern. 4- The RTC is not well liked, and there are those who will vote against them each and every time. I have little doubt that the Dolcetti contingent made their way to the polls to either select ostendorf or murray.

All of which are truths.
When you tell me that Ryan lost only because he works there, is naive/dishonest.

Murray was the better candidate. Ryan never got a damn thing done in Hartford. He is long winded--sarcastic, snide and unintelligent. Anyone who would say he "unfortunately had to run --because he was asked to" is just a fool.

You can look to attack Marks all you want. You simply look like a fool. A dishonest fool.

August 11, 2010 8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl is incredibly poised and works very hard under very trying circumstances.

Listen I think the guy comes off as very competent and I'm glad to have him, but please saying he has to work hard under trying circumstances is a bit over the top.
When Dave Campbell is not on vacation, I get the feeling he sits in his office making paper airplanes and the rest of BOS only show up at town hall on Monday nights, so basically his bosses are never around to bust his chops.
Now if Flora did not get a real job and was back being the town hall junkie she use to be, then I would agree he had to work under trying circumstances. His only real concern is showing Walter Casey where the mens room is when he shows up for his weekly FOI act adventure.

August 11, 2010 11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Stephanonies said the application was "flawed" ???


When did they say that?

I'd say the application is total embarassment to our town.

Why can't town hall follow simple instructions?

August 11, 2010 11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

August 11, 2010 12:20 PM

It's called plan B. every smart businessman/women has one.

August 11, 2010 11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hedge fund managers don't hedge "slam dunks." Perhaps the Town has a better shot at the moratorium that the Stephanonie's led on.

August 12, 2010 8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Susan Marks (and Danny Dolcetti) on their victory.

This whole experience has been very enlightening to all Darien Republicans! Marks and Dolcetti have revealed their true characters as individuals who would aspire to lead the Republican party in our town.

None of this was really about electing the most competent candidate to the probate was all about "getting back" at the RTC. Marks resents the fact that she was not elected to replace Artenian, and Dolcetti is still bitter over the fact that his RTC is no longer in office.

With this goal in mind, they would have gone to any extent to elect ANY candidate to oppose the RTC's nominee. When they realized that Murray's background and experience could not hold a candle to Ryan's, they decided to try to destroy Ryan's name and to diminish his accomplishments by using "SMEAR" tactics.

They really had to wallow in the mud to dig up a ten-year-old DUI charge. They also made very general statements about the fact that Ryan had not accomplished anything while serving his long term in Hartford.

If Ryan was so ineffective and, as you often stated, ran unopposed.....why were the people of Darien so stupid in re-electing him so many times. As members of the RTC, wasn't it up to you to select a candidate to run against him????? While we're at it, why couldn't you ever find a candidate that could beat Evonne Klein?

Just read Susan's (and probably Danny's) repeated self-serving, self-congratulatory and gloating blogs....all posted AFTER the election! For the most part, they were more about blasting the RTC than about their victorious candidate.

I guess they don't even know how to WIN with grace and class. They are now in Klein's class as ambitious politicians who, in order to win, feel it necessary to destroy anyone who gets in their way. This is a very bad example to set for your children, Mrs. Marks.

BTW, I'm sure we all wish Mr. Murray well, and congratulate him on his victory. We assume that he was not part of this dirty and political "tug of war".

August 12, 2010 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I dont know.

Why dont you explain to me all he rules regulations--etc.

Then, I will know that you actually know how "simple" they are.

But--just a jerk--my guess is you will now cower in some hole---hoping that I dont ask again.

Or will you explain in detail. Not "get everything together" --I want to know every damn slip of paper required and its name.

August 12, 2010 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Im the guy attacking the RTC--but i will have to say that I dont consider it a 'conflict of interest" to vote for your husband.

If you think it is--then please write to every politician in every seat of government, who Im betting had relatives vote for them.

If Elise Ryan is on the committee--and obviously she has faith in her husband--why shouldnt she be allowed to vote?

YOu think mark thorne and barbara thorne didnt run in the same direction??
Bayne and Bayne?
These people are volunteers---

husbands and wives routinely are involved in politics.

And if you are a republican -and not democrat--i think dolcetti the rtc guy has a son in assessment appeals.

For a guy with a lot of property in town--that is a conflict?
So -if you are a darien firster-you have your issues. Republican--issues. Or democrat --issues.

Dont zero in on ryan 's wife. that is crap

August 12, 2010 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Let's see if I understand this:

Neither town elected Murray. Ostendorf won New Canaan.
Ryan won in Darien. In fact, Murray only won in one District across the whole town of Darien.

Murray got zero delegates in either town.

So, now we have a guy nominated for judge that neither town wants and who, according to the paper, couldn't get any delegates in either town to vote for him because they didn't think he was the best qualified.

He is going to be "bridging the communities?" Not likely.

Look, he won. Everybody gets that. If he gets elected in November, let's hope there doesn't start to be problems with the probate court and how things are being handled. It sure smells like the guy might be in over his head.

August 12, 2010 1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Klein, Bayne, Sullivan, Thorne gang is now going after Jayme Stevenson and Karl Kilduff. Why?

Remember what happened when the (then) feisty Linda Santarella questioned Evonne Klein's ideas? Didn't poor frightened Mrs. Klein threaten Santarella with restraining order? Didn't Klein initiate a feckless (and non-binding) "code of conduct" as a warning to Santarella to "get in line"?

They are now so threatened by Stevenson, Kilduff and the bloggers that they're trying to pull the same stunts.

The Kleiniacs don't want anyone to disagree with them. They have met their match in the very poised, professional and extremely intelligent Stevenson and Kilduff. It is obvious that Jayme and Karl can succinctly and factually rebut the Dems' arguments; it takes Sullivan and Bayne forever to get their points across (as a blogger once said, I wonder if Callie could utter a word if she could not wave her hands madly in the air).

Karl Kilduff is perhaps one of the most a-political town employees I've ever seen. He was extremely cooperative when Klein was the FS. The big difference under Campbell is that Kilduff doesn't feel he has to stick to a script now, and he is free to do his job and make decisions that he feels are best for the town -- regardless of where the chips may fall.

Jayme Stevenson is an intelligent, gracious, and hard-working Board member who takes the time to do her homework. She does not speak at meetings merely because she wants face time on camera.

Intelligent, articulate and strong individuals who disagree with the Dems are a real threat to the Kleiniacs. (Evonne is STILL blogging about Flora Smith!!!!)

Sorry, Dems. Strong-arm tactics don't work for you any more.

August 12, 2010 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hedging means you have no conviction.

Which is a far cry from the bravado these 2 assholes convey to the public.

If they are unsure of their position, why do they speak so confidently?


Because they are actors.

Ever hear of the actors guild?

Mel Gibson plays Jesus in one film, and in real life is a total jerk.

Get it?

August 12, 2010 3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have no idea how this town is run. There are multiple departments,unionized and non-unionized staff, budgets, problems galore. Most end up on Karl Kilduff's desk and he handles them. He does it so well you don't even know about it. Your post indicates your ignorance of municipal work. Go make your own paper airplanes.

August 12, 2010 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can susan marks take credit for murray's win when the people of darien (the only town she could possibly influence) voted for ryan? i guess the people who know both ryan and marks saw through her dirty campaign tactics! she couldn't be elected for dogcatcher now, let alone the chair of the rtc. lesson learned

August 12, 2010 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut up Bayne.

You're the the worst excuse tattle-tale of a politician anyone's ever seen.

I repeat again- you'll never be first selectmen.

Campbell keeps secrets from you b/c you don't have the town's best interest at heart.

Just like your momma- Evonne!


August 12, 2010 5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:30 pm:

Both Klein and her husband are on the DTC. According to your "conflict of interest" theory, are you inferring that the Kleins should abstain from all votes involving their spouses. Let's see how you "spin" that possibility. LOL

August 12, 2010 5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, please, please don't get the Stefs blogging again!

They're pathetic people who are facing the possibility of having to get paying jobs, rather than to "milk" the people of Darien.

The poor Stefs don't really want to work for a living, but they're realizing that they might lose their home if they can't convince somebody that they should be able to build their projects before the moratorium is granted.

Pls. don't encourage them to defend their position on this blog. Rather, feel sorry for them (and their poor children) instead.

August 12, 2010 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get a couple of things right. Kilduff works for the 1st sel and the b/s. When Klein was his boss he agreed with her. Now he has a new boss and he agrees with him. Yeah he's smart.

As for Jayme, too many people are turned off by her. Talk about seeing her true colors. In less than a year Jayme, Dave and Jerry have turned off their supporters.

BTW Klein is OOO Out of Office, but you still miss the ol' gal!

August 12, 2010 6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the goin' got tough with the DHS building project Dave Campbell called daddy to buy out the "very bad man".

The goin' is tough now and he has called daddy, Peter McG, Jerry and others to bail him out to build the pool.

August 12, 2010 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:17 - she gets credit for backing the candidate who could win. She chose someone who would be able to get votes from each town, not just their own. Obviously it worked.
This was not about Darien vs. New Canaan. It wasn't a hockey game. Marks recognized that. Harry did not - he was all about the old back scratching ways of days gone by.

August 12, 2010 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Stefanonis lost their home yhey could move into one of their other homes.

Duh. and he's nothing like a hedge fund mgr.

Maybe a farmer or mecghanic but not a hedge fund mganager.

Ever talk to him?

That's right . Didn't think so.

August 12, 2010 7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just watached the last BOS meeting. Sullivan and Bayne are adamant about following the Klein m.o. ---- study, study, delay, delay, study, study, delay, delay....and accomplish nothing!!!

Who can blame Karl Kilduff for losing his patience - he's been through all of this before! IMO, he was not at all rude to the Dems on the BOS (boo hoo). He merely was expressing his impatience with the obvious political obstructionism!

August 12, 2010 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see..the Darien YWCA, YMCA, library and other Darien organizations allow out of towners to participate in their programs.

Are we now going to make a "big deal" out of the fact that the Darien Senior Center allows people from other towns to participate in their programs.

Considering the condition of the Senior Center building, I think this is a true testimonial to the quality of our Senior Center programming!!!!

August 12, 2010 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wake up bloggerheads! Ryan got his comeuppance. Period. And to those who continue to claim the Artinian, Schoonmaker, Coyle led RTC wing that supported Ryan outright were alone in their shenanigans, then think again!

Here’s the complete list of RTC members:

Harry L.M. Artinian, John A. Bishko, John V. Boulton, Eugene F. Coyle, Charline V. Dale, Richard Allen DiDonna, Sara A. Franzese, Joi Reiner Gallo, Gilbert S. Kernan, Susan J. Marks, Robert Frederick Mazzotta, Joseph A. Pizzarelli, James G. Rickards, Debra McGarry Ritchie, Elyse G. Ryan, Walter J. Simon, Raymond D. Slavin, Victoria M. Smith, Peter L. Truebner, Gwendolyn W. van Paasschen and Sara K. Zagrodzky.

They actually tried to sell the idea (and it almost worked) that John Ryan DESERVED to be elected Judge of Probate because of his past service.

PAST service!!! Good God Almighty! What were they thinking? Talk about being out of touch. Ryan’s accomplishments can’t fill a 3 x 5 index card. And these are the guys who are RUNNING, guiding the Republican Party in Darien!!

How’s that workin out for ya?

August 13, 2010 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, David Bayne seemd a wee bit irritated that good ol' boy Campbell didn't share his third failed attempt at applying for a moratorium with the other BOS members.

Campbell still thinks he is flying solo.

Jayme also sounded irritated that their mistake came to light.

August 13, 2010 2:01 PM  

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